VMLL #25: 5 Must-Read Reports The Vegan Marketer Recommends



Of all the reports I have read in recent times, I strongly recommend the following. If you currently own a vegan business, are evaluating the plant-based segment or are simply curious about all things vegan, these reports will unpack a lot of data and takeaways for you.


5 Must-Read Reports: The Vegan Marketer Recommends


1. Green Queen Media’s COP28 Daily Digests and reports


“At COP21 in 2015, the world agreed to limit global warming to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels by 2050. To remain on target, science tells us that emissions must be halved by 2030”- COP28 . This was the first COP where food’s impact on climate change was acknowledged and given a seat at the table. Besides serving a mostly plant-based menu throughout the 13 days, this climate panel dedicated one entire day to discussing action points related to agriculture and food systems. 

Green Queen Media did a fantastic job covering the conference. They shared daily digests with takeaways particularly relevant to the plant-based space. Those digests are enough to bring us up-to-speed. 


2. Elysabeth Alfano’s Plant-based Business Hour


Elysabeth Alfano is an active and authoritative voice in the plant-based investment space. She reported on COP28 largely from the food systems transformation and investment perspectives. Watch the takeaways she shared in her COP28 video series to complete your knowledge on all things plant-based climate action. 


3 & 4. Sodexo’s Culinary Report 2023


Sodexo is one of the largest food services companies in the world. Offering food services such as catering and dining to corporates, educational, government, medical institutions across 45 countries, Sodexo serves 80 million consumers every day!! When such a high impact company commits to having 50% of their menus be plant-based by end of 2024, it demands notice. 

Sodexo released two reports worth reading by all of us in the sector. Read them even if you only want to use the data in the reports for building the case for vegan food. 


5. Good Food Institute’s Insights 2023


GFI, along with Kantar World Panel, studied the Indian landscape of plant-based meats, dairy and eggs. They wanted to understand where the Indian consumer stands with regards to vegan F&B. A very important report for us on the business side of vegan products. It can arm us with data to support our growth while also drawing attention to areas of improvement and concern. 

That’s all for now! Happy reading/ viewing 🙂


Question to think about: 💡 

We have limited time. On what type of information should we spend that time: primarily on content related to the sector we operate in to ensure we have a heads up on innovations/ potential problems OR more on general information to ensure no navel-gazing? What would help our vegan business more?



Should you want to talk, I am just an email away. You know that, right?



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