VMLL #15: How To Make Your Vegan Business Crisis-Proof



This is going to be a very short read. Because everything you need to know to make your vegan business and product crisis and recession proof is explained by my original TELCoS Model of Immunity


telcos model of immunity-making business recession proof-www.ifiweremarketing.com


The model was debuted in my 2nd TEDx talk and it will help give your business the much needed agility and elasticity to weather any storm that might come its way. 


So if you dream about a fantastic exit from the business or if you wish to grow the business into a legacy for the next generation, you MUST check out the TELCoS Model of Immunity



You can read about it here: https://ifiweremarketing.com/making-any-business-recession-proof/  



You can watch it here: https://www.ted.com/talks/jinal_shah_making_any_business_crisis_proof_jan_2021



Question to think about : 💡


If you had to implement the TELCoS Model of Immunity for your vegan business, which of the 5 strategies would you start with? What would be a low hanging fruit, relatively speaking?



Should you want to talk, you know I am just an email away, right?



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