VMLL #6 : 5 Easy Marketing Ideas For This Veganuary




Marketing during Veganuary is must-do for vegan and plant-based brands and businesses. Why, you ask?



Even though Veganuary is not a traditional holiday, it is an immensely popular global challenge encouraging people to try veganism, (specially vegan foods) at least for the month of January. It not only spreads the word about veganism, it results in actual action and adoption.


Every January, since 2014, veganism gets extra media attention (4351 media stories), consumer attention (>6.29lakh people participated), vegan brands’ participation and just overall buzz build up. This is why, even non-vegan brands participate in this trending topic.


You can find all the above numbers regarding Veganuary 2022 in this report.


Tried and tested Veganuary marketing tactics


  • Releasing new vegan products/menus. E.g. Krispy Kreme had launched 3 vegan donut options during Veganuary 2022
  • Participating in Veganuary Workplace Challenge by encouraging employees to try vegan in January and offering more vegan options at the workplace (practice what you preach, right?)
  • Incorporating Veganuary related content and branding in social media communication


More such tried and tested Veganuary marketing tactics are shared nicely in this article. 


Over and above these popular tactics, here are…


5 easy Veganuary marketing ideas


1.  Loyalty beyond Veganuary January


Launch a book (hardcopy / soft copy) of coupons that people can redeem against your vegan products throughout the year. You want to encourage people to try vegan even beyond January, right? So offer them a mix of discounts or bundled offers or freebies, at least 12 (1 for each month). 


2. Resource round-up


Round-up all the local grocery outlets (online and offline) selling vegan products and ingredients during Veganuary into a handy resource list. You could create it on Google Sheets so that it is easier to update. Share the link far and wide, This can even become an evergreen marketing asset for you, even after January. 


3. Donate (if you don’t already)


If you aren’t already doing cause marketing in some manner, then Veganuary is the perfect time to give it a shot. You can pledge to donate some percentage or revenue per unit of vegan product sold during Veganuary towards animal rights/ environment NGO. Yet again, you are putting your money where your mouth is. And consumers respect that authenticity. 


4. Podcast or social media live


For each of the 31 days of Veganuary, do a fun, byte sized interview (e.g. 59 seconds with Mr. X or 20 questions with Ms. Y). Interview your employee and/or customer who is trying the Veganuary Challenge. Ask them how it’s going for them so far, their new vegan discoveries or myths that got busted for them, etc. Release the interview as a podcast on any podcast platform for free OR do it live on your social channel. Either can be done using only your mobile phone! 


5. Weight loss Veganuary


Launch a Veganuary special weight loss challenge in collaboration with a nutritionist and a trainer. Most people have weight loss as a new year resolution and are gung-ho about it in January. So why not capitalize on this resolution? All you’ve got to do is share the following via Whatsapp/video/blog article : Vegan meal plans + simple/ no-equipment workout routine + music playlist. Don’t forget to share a special hashtag to encourage User Generated Content (UGC). 


That’s it! 


Are you excited to give these a try? Let me know if you do. You can tag me on Instagram (@the.vegan.marketer) or on Linkedin @jinalcs



Question to think about : 💡 


If you could make each of your existing vegan customer an ambassador for veganism, how would you use that to 2x participation in Veganuary?



Should you want to talk, I am just an email away. You know that, right?



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