VMLL #19: 10 Brilliant Product Packaging Ideas For Vegan Brands (Part 2)



The previous article “10 brilliant product packaging ideas for vegan brands (part 1)” covered why innovative packaging ideas matter for instant brand awareness and recognition. More so for vegan products.


If done right, product packaging can even become a distinctive positioning for your vegan brand.


Thus to help boost your packaging game and to inspire packaging ideas, in the previous article, I had shared examples across 5 shortlisted packaging parameters such as:


  1. Use some humor
  2. Make your core product benefit shine through instantly
  3. Make it luxurious enough to allow you to command higher prices
  4. Use the shape to advantage
  5. Be playful/ whimsical


Now let’s dig into the other 5 important product packaging parameters. 


10 brilliant product packaging ideas for vegan brands – Part 2


6. Let the hero ingredient take the spotlight


Most vegan products have one or two hero ingredients, especially in the vegan F&B space. If one  ingredient is the reason behind most of the benefits your product offers, then give it center stage on the packaging. Here are some different ways in which the hero ingredient was made the packaging hero. 

7.  Break category codes


Just because everyone in your category sells the product in a certain color palette or in a certain shaped packaging does not mean you must follow suit. Think outside the box (pun intended) and you might just hit the jackpot. I love the category defying ‘parmesan pencils‘ or water in a box or yogurt for kids in a squeezy tube so that you can directly squirt it in their mouth and reseal the balance. 



8. Make it interactive


If your packaging can entertain or get people involved even before using the product, it would set them in a positive mood and result in greater anticipation for the product. This kid’s book brand Owl and Dog, sells 3 books in a way that ensures kids have fun not just reading the books but even while assembling them. Maybe use chalkboard label to allow for writing/doodling etc or let the user have fun creating flavors of their choice like Twistd offers. 



9. Be vibrant yet elegant


Make generous use of colors. That never fails to attract attention. Vibrant designs are not only eye catching but also tempting. When I say use colors, I don’t mean make it garish or tasteless. There are ways to incorporate colors elegantly too. Like this yogurt brand has done with the psychedelic design or Cava Blossoms wine has done. 



10. Multipurpose


If your packaging can serve a purpose even after the product has been consumed, it would allow you to continue an association with the customer. Like a foldable snack packaging that can later be used as a compact water cup.  Constant visibility will ensure top of mind recall too. Multipurpose could also be in the form of greater convenience (such as travel friendly single serve coffee package that doubles up as straw)




This brings us to the end of this series. Together, between the 1st and 2nd part, I have shared about 20 brilliant examples of packaging designs across 10 parameters that can inspire a distinct, memorable packaging for your vegan brand. 


Which one did you like the most? Please let me know in the comments. 



Question to think about : 💡 


To create true packaging innovation, what if you first designed unusual, multipurpose, adaptable packaging and then started working on your product design to fit that packaging? Would it work out better for the consumer in terms of usability and convenience?



Should you want to talk, I am just an email away. You know that, right?



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